Are you struggling to manage bladder leaks? Jude, a community focussed bladder care company, are on a mission to help those of us experiencing bladder issues. They asked their community for ‘hacks’ that they had found useful for managing leaks through diet and lifestyle changes, and they had some gems to share that we thought you would love too. 

  1. Add Baking Soda to Tomatoes

“Adding baking soda to tomatoes has been a game changer for me. Tomatoes are a trigger for my leaks, but since adding a pinch of baking soda I can still enjoy a tomato-based sauce on my pasta!” shared Sheila. 

In practice: Tomatoes can be a trigger for overactive bladder because they are acidic. It is possible that baking soda – which is alkali – may neutralise some of the acidity. If tomatoes are a trigger for you, consider this hack or consider alternatives to tomatoes in your cooking, but the important thing is to do what is right for you, and your body.

Tomatoes for health

  1. Reduce your salt intake

Brenda shared: “I didn’t know that salt was a trigger for overactive bladder until recently. Now, I don’t add salt to my cooking at all, and use reduced salt products wherever possible.” 

In practice: We don’t often consider how much salt is in our diet or the impact it has on our body, particularly our bladder. In fact, studies have shown that 23% of people could totally reverse their symptoms of overactive bladder by reducing salt to the recommended amount of one small teaspoon of salt daily. 

Reduce Salt Intake

  1. Filter your water

“I always filter my water after reading that some of the chemicals in tap water can irritate the bladder. For me it helps – I’ve definitely found I have longer breaks between loo trips since using my filter!”, offered Wendy. 

In practice: Drinking water is important for our overall bladder health, so any hack that increases hydration is great for you. Although water isn’t a common bladder irritant, if you find tap water is triggering your symptoms, a water filter may help remove impurities that are contributing to them. Try keeping a bladder diary to see if this is a trigger for you. 

Filtered water for bladder health

  1. Snack on Pumpkin Seeds

“I love pumpkin seeds and at this time of year I dry them out on a baking sheet in the oven, and nibble on them throughout the day as they are great for my bladder.” shared Phillippa. 

In practice: These tiny seeds are packed with nutrients that support bladder function, including magnesium. They’ve long been used to support urinary health but the reality is that consuming the high number of pumpkin seeds you would need to see the benefit can be a bit tough. The good news is that Jude’s Bladder Control Supplement contains the extract (that’s the good stuff) of 71 pumpkin seeds in each daily dose, alongside the phytoestrogen boost of soy germ extract to nurture, soothe and support your pelvic floor and bladder.

Pumpkin seeds make a bladder friendly snack

Ready to maximise the benefit of Jude’s powerful botanical blend of pumpkin seed and soy germ extract, for a leak-free life? Simply go to and use code BB22 at checkout to get 22% off Jude’s Supplements.

Please note: These suggestions are tips that some women have tried and worked for them, and have been checked by Jude’s in-house clinician and found to be safe for general use. It’s important to remember that every person is different. You should always seek advice from your doctor before any attempt to ‘hack’ a medical issue, such as bladder leaks, incontinence or overactive bladder. 

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