Banding is a conservative treatment indicated for haemorrhoids (piles).

This procedure is a common way of treating haemorrhoids and will normally be carried out as an outpatient and you will be able to go home immediately afterwards.  You may feel some discomfort or pain for a day or so but should be able to return to work the following day. You can take normal painkillers to help and your GP can prescribe something stronger if necessary.

Haemorrhoid banding involves putting a very tight elastic band around the base of the haemorrhoid inside your anus to cut off the blood supply. Within about a week of having the treatment, the haemorrhoids should fall off and you may not even notice this has happened as they generally pass out of your body with a bowel movement.

Toilet PaperIt is quite normal to see some blood on the toilet paper after this procedure, but you should not bleed a lot. If you start to pass a lot of bright red blood or pass clots (solid lumps of blood), go to your nearest accident and emergency (A&E) department immediately. Infections or ulcers (open sores) can also occur where the banding took place. However, these complications are rare and can be easily treated.

It is important not to become constipated as this can lead to complications due to straining, so ensure you drink plenty of fluids and include foods high in fibre in your diet such as wholewheat cereals and plenty of fruit and vegetables.

You should be able to return to work or your usual activities straight away or soon as you feel able to – if you feel long term discomfort or pain you can contact your Outpatient Department or GP for advice.

For more information on this procedure or to discuss other ways of treating haemorrhoids, please make an appointment with your GP.

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