If you have bladder problems, you are certainly not alone. There are over 9 million women in the UK with some form of bladder problem and with an ageing, growing population this figure is sure to rise.

Problems related to the bladder are still more common in women than men with around 4 million men in the UK affected, however, these problems can have a huge impact on the quality of life of both men and women.

Bladder problems in women can happen for a variety of reasons and may be linked to a specific issue, condition or phase in life. Common reasons are;

  • Pregnancy and childbirth can contribute to an increased risk for women as the pelvic floor muscles can be weakened or damaged during this time
  • Some women may also find that problems increase or appear during or after the menopause
  • Lifestyle can also be a contributing factor as being overweight or diabetic can also increase the risks of developing problems

Other Conditions

Below we have listed some other conditions that can affect a women’s bladder and bowel.

  • Endometriosis is a condition that can affect all women of child bearing age. The condition may cause symptoms similar to IBS – constipation and diarrhoea. Some women may also experience pain before, during and after a bowel movement and passing urine
  • Fibroids are non-cancerous tumours that grow in or around the womb (uterus). The growths are made up of muscle and fibrous tissue and can vary in size. If your fibroids press on your bladder, you may need to urinate frequently. Fibroids can also press on your rectum (large intestine), which can cause constipation.  For more information on fibroids please click here to visit the NHS Choices website.

To find out about other conditions that can affect women please visit the bladder conditions section and treatment pages.

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