
We were interested to see that included in today’s Budget 2018 news was the welcome of business rates relief for all public toilet facilities made available for public use, whether they are publicly or privately owned.

We have all been aware for some time now that worryingly public toilet facilities are being closed up and down the country due to lack of funding making it near impossible for some of those with bladder and bowel conditions to leave the house in fear of not having access to a toilet.

We hope that this small step will start to pave the way for businesses and retailers making their customers toilet facilities open to all who need them and make councils think twice before shutting down their public facilities.

What are your thoughts on this? Let us know by emailing help@bladderandbowel.org or contact us via our Facebook page.

We will be watching this piece of news with some interest and hoping that this will give those with bladder and bowel conditions further confidence to be out and about.

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